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Concrete wash Auckland

Concrete wash off and Slurry control

Failure to control your fresh concrete wash off can result in slurry going down your drains. This slurry can then harden and completely block the system potentially causing thousands of dollars to remove.

Concrete wash off services

Why Slurry Controls Matter for Concrete Work

It’s vital to have wastewater and slurry controls in place before starting concrete work as it’s illegal to dispose of concrete waste and slurry through New Zealand’s stormwater systems. By dumping concrete waste or slurry into our stormwater systems, you create a highly toxic environment that can harm our precious aquatic ecosystems.

Proper Management of Concrete Waste and Slurry

The Drain Company can handle all your concrete waste and slurry management needs, whether it’s a residential or commercial site, we have specialised vacuum trucks & equipment that can remove slurry and dispose of it off site in a safe and responsible way.

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